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October 5 - 9, 2022



The Men's Rites of Passage (MROP) program is a life-changing opportunity!


The first step is to read our Frequently Asked Questions page and then proceed to our Registration Page where you will complete and submit your application, along with a $50 deposit. If you are accepted, the deposit becomes non-refundable and is applicable to the final payment. Once received, we will contact you regarding the status of your application.


If accepted, a full confirmation package will be sent to you with further information and instructions regarding travel, transportation, what to bring, and suggestions as to preparing yourself to get the most out of your MROP.


If you have questions about the MROP or would like guidance in determining if this program is right for you at this time, please email our MROP Convener Bob Strange or call him at (830) 660-5204.


The registration fee for attending the MROP / Umbrales is $250. That cost is being underwritten by the Illuman of Texas. The fee can be paid in full or through installments. Further assistance is available through scholarship funding. There are brothers among us who contribute funds to Illuman of Texas that enable us to offer the MROP / Umbrales at this price.


If you feel called and are able to pay over and above $250, we encourage you to do so. This will help other men to undertake this necessary journey. A $50 deposit is required when completing your MROP / Umbrales Application Form.


Our registration team will be reviewing your application and will contact you within 10 days to notify you of your status (accepted, waiting list, or determined to be ineligible). If accepted you will receive a letter/email containing further details regarding the MROP / Umbrales along with instructions for completing the required Medical and Travel Forms, as well as instructions for final payment.

Please give each question enough time, thought and prayer, and fully answer each one:

Life itself gives you the initiation if you are alert and listening to its questions and challenges during your middle years. These Rites of Passage are appropriate for older men who wish to serve and "generate" life for other men - thus becoming a wise elder for the next generation.


If you are over 55 years of age, please share your thoughts about the following questions:

Release of Liability

Please read and sign electronically below.

In consideration for participating in an Illuman of Texas event, and in full recognition and appreciation of the dangers and risks inherent in such activities, I do hereby waive, release, and forever discharge Illuman, Illuman of Texas, their officers, agents and employees, as well as any associated persons from and against any and all claims, demands, action or causes of action for costs, fines, expenses or damages to personal property or personal injury, or death, which may result from my participating in these activities.

I understand that all costs for emergency medical treatment, should it be necessary, including medical transportation via ground or air, are my sole responsibility.

I understand and admit that my participating in this event is voluntary. I assume full responsibility for any injuries or damages resulting from my participating in this event including responsibility for using reasonable judgment in all phases of participating in the event and travel to and from the event’s location.

I affirm that I am in good health. I further declare that I am physically fit and capable to participate in such activities. I acknowledge the risk that I am taking in participating in this event. I understand that it is my responsibility to notify the appropriate person at the event location of emergency medical information.

I also understand that this Waiver of Liability and Release binds my heirs, executors, administrators, and assignees, as well as myself.

Do you have any of the following conditions?
Have you ever been told that your SNORING is serious enough that it can disturb others?

Illuman of Texas is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt non-profit organization.

©2022 by Illuman of Texas

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